中译英 中药烫熨治疗作为中医学治疗的重要手段之一, 具有操作简单、适应症广、副作用小、见效快的特点,中医学认为阴阳失衡是疾病产生的原因, “阴盛则寒”、“阳盛则热”、“阴平阳秘, 精神乃治”。晚期胃癌患者,本虚而标实,大羸若实,《灵枢·五变》记载:“肠胃恶, 恶则邪气留止, 积聚乃作, 脾胃之间, 寒温不次, 邪气稍至, 蓄积留止, 大聚乃起”。《诸病源候论》曰: 积聚者, 由阴阳不和, 府藏虚弱, 受于风邪, 搏于府藏之气所为也, 府者阳也, 藏者阴也, 阳浮而动, 阴沉而伏, 积者阴气, 五藏所生, 故上下有所穷, 已聚者阳气六府所成,故无根本, 诸藏受邪, 初未能为积聚,留滞不去, 乃成积聚。就是说明胃癌邪气留置的原因,是由于脏气虚弱, 寒温不调。病之先后, 阴阳互换, 病轻、病前期热证为多, 病重, 病的后期, 寒证多见。同时现代中医对晚期胃癌病机的研究显示,王春燕等[7]利用计算机技术对中医胃癌文献进行智能分析, 以方药使用为线索,对于各个历史时期胃癌相关病证方药集中整理, 然后进行统计学处理, 以此来推论古人对本病的防治思路。经统计学处理, 共得方剂287首, 涉及药物 198 味, 药物出现总频次为 1957味次。药物出现总频次1957味次中, 补虚药为395 味次, 占 20.18%,居第一位, 说明扶助正气, 补益虚损是古代医家对于胃癌相关病证治疗一贯重视的方法, 正气亏损是这一类病证发病的关键。温里药为,291味次, 占 14.87% , 结合补益药的使用, 可以推论对于治疗的认识古人较多的从虚寒论治。综上所述, 胃癌相关病机是在虚寒证的基础上,治疗温补为主,因此本病运用烫熨治疗正和其旨意。 Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) ironing therapy is an important choice of TCM treatment. It is featured by easy operation, wide range of indications, few side effects and fast action. According to the TCM theory, imbalance of yin and yang is the cause of diseases. For example, “excess of yin will lead to cold”, “excess of yang will lead to heat”, and “relative equilibrium of yin-yang will lead to good spirit”. In gastric cancer patients, the root is indeficiency and the symptoms are excess, and great deficiency resembles excess. As recorded in Lingshu: Five Changes, evil in the stomach and intestines tends to remain and accumulate. If the cold and heat are disordered in the spleen and stomach, considerable accumulation of evil will be incurred by the invasion of evil qi. As written in General Treatise on Causes and Manifestations of All Diseases, accumulation is caused by imbalance of yin and yang and weakness of the viscera. When there is pathogenic wind, it will act on qi in the viscera. Bowels represent yang and five internal organs represent yin. If the yang floats up, the body’s qi will move; and if yin sinks, the body’s qi will lie down. It is yin that accumulates and is generated by the five internal organs. Therefore, the loss is caused. The accumulating yang qi is generated by the six bowels. If there is no root cause, the evil in the viscera and internal organs will not accumulate at the beginning; but if they stay over time, it will finally accumulate. That's to say, evil qi in gastric cancer is caused by deficiency of visceral qi and imbalance of cold and heat. As the disease progresses, the position of yin and yang will be exchanged. For milder diseases and at the early stage of diseases, the heat syndrome is predominant; for severe diseases and at the later stage of diseases, the cold syndrome is predominant. Moreover, modern TCM has also developed some theories about the pathogenesis of advanced gastric cancer. Wang et al. [7]performed an intelligent analysis on the studies related to TCM treatment of gastric cancer by virtue of computer technology. TCM prescriptions for gastric cancer were searched through the history of China and subjected to statistical analysis. On this basis, the prevention and treatment principles used in TCM for gastric cancer were deduced. According to statistical results, there were 287 prescriptions for gastric cancer in total, with the use of 198 Chineseherbs. The total frequency of these Chinese herbs was 1957. Among them, the frequency of the deficiency-tonifying herbs was 395, accounting for 20.18%, which was the highest of all herbs. This indicates that supporting healthy qi and tonifying deficiency are highly valued for the treatment of gastric cancer. The deficiency of vital qi is the major cause of gastric cancer. In the above-mentioned prescriptions, the frequency of the herbs for dispelling internal cold was 291, accounting for 14.87%. This indicates the combined use of deficiency-tonifying herbs and herbs for dispelling internal cold. From this, it can be seen that deficiency and cold were considered as major causes of gastric cancer by TCM practitioners in ancient China. Given such understanding about the pathogenesis of gastric cancer, TCM treatment stresses warming and invigorating that addresses deficiency-cold syndrome. Based on the above analysis, the warming and ironing therapy used in the present study conformed to the general principles. |